I have long admired these beautiful quilted tote bags you can find all over the web. And I actually purchased one off eBay. Apparently I didn't read the description well enough. I was looking for something to use as a purse. This thing is really too big for that. So I have a quilting project in it. And I started looking again.
More than a year and a half since I started looking I found the perfect pattern. I was a bit nervous as I have never made a bag before but this worked up pretty easily and I only had a few problems. Getting the bottom in it was a bit tricky and I think from looking over the directions again there might be a typo and that might be the problem I had. Anyhow, I made a couple of minor adjustments (added an outside pocket for my keys and made the straps a bit longer) and in just a few hours I had this:
I like it so much I'm going to make a fall one and possibly even one for Christmas. I saw some fabric the other day that I would love to make a Christmas one of - with my luck by the time I get back to the store it'll all be gone. lol.
I'll leave you with this picture of Thunder. Timmy's birthday was a couple of weeks ago and when Grandma came out for the the party she brought along a present for Thunder.
Of course it's a football. What else in this family? lol.
Until next time, hugs and stitches. Jody