I have gotten a couple of found treasures over the past few weeks. First was a sewing table I got from a freecycle group. If you've never heard of freecycle check into it. It's a great group. If you have something you want to get rid of (in good condition of course) you can list it and someone will take it off your hands. And if you need something you can post a request and many times someone comes up with something for you.
So here is the table closed up.

And here it is with the sewing machine up.

I didn't keep the sewing machine. It worked but the tension is all messed up and I do not have the patience to fool with the tension. I have a machine sitting in my shed because the tension is messed up. But the dh built me a shelf so that I can put my machine in the table and it works great.
This morning I got an older quilt at a yard sale. The folks I bought it from collect antiques but I don't know that this quilt is antique. Here's the front:

And here's the back:

It's a two sided quilt! But for some reason someone put a layer of plain fabric over the back. The lady I bought it from attempted to remove a good bit of that layer of fabric:

I'm not exactly sure what I'll do with it. Part of me wants to leave it the way it is because it's sort of interesting. And part of me wants to figure out how to completely clean up the back - but I don't think I can do that without taking out the quilting. And I won't do that.
I have a number of quilts I got at yard sales and this is probably the nicest one. There are no tears or seams coming apart and the fabric is only a bit faded and there are just a few dirty spots.
Now where should I put it? Hmmm
Until next time, hugs and stitches. Jody