Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Sunday Surprise

So today we're sitting watching football and the front door opens and our oldest son comes in. A nice treat. So I loaded him up with things I picked up for the baby - who is now two weeks away from his/her anticipated debut.

One for his favorite football team:

And one just because I was at a quilt show and the focus fabric was just too cute to pass up:

I still have the horse quilt I gave Cassie at her shower - well the top I gave Cassie at her shower. And I have fabric to make a couple of quilts to keep here (because days that Cassie works that I don't, I will have the opportunity to watch the little darling).

So many quilts, so little time. sigh.

In case you'd like to come visit over the holidays, Thunder is waiting at the door for you - c'mon over.

Until next time, hugs and stitches. Jody

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