Let's start with the more. lol.
CJ over at A Stitch and A Prayer wanted to see my snowman blocks. I didn't want to post them because they are part of a swap and I hadn't mailed them yet. However, they have been mailed and received so here they are.
Some of us decided to do two sets so I did two different blocks. This is the one everyone who played along got:

The picture is a bit cattywhompus but the block is square. lol.
Then for the girls who did two blocks, I made this one:

And because I'm going to need some extra blocks to make the quilt big enough for my bed, I also made this one for myself:

I haven't received all the blocks from the other girls but Joyce in CO sent this one:

And Joyce in NC, who got a bit carried away (she was supposed to make two), sent these four:

This is going to be one awesome quilt. And best of all, since these ladies are my very best friends, every time I cuddle up in this quilt it will be like getting a big hug from them.
Now on to the Epic quilt. Part Three was, to put it simply, a huge pain in the booty. I did this from a picture with no directions and I had such a hard time with it. It wouldn't surprise me if this was supposed to be paper pieced. Paper piecing is not my friend. lol. But I am not only happy with the results, I'm pleased as punch.

And now for the peek. I did this block last night:

The plan (subject to change at any point before I sew it on to the center) is for three more of these blocks and eight other blocks that I know what they will be but I have not started yet.
Due to problems with a computer virus, a back up computer and camera software that only works when it feels like it, Thunder has not made an appearance lately. But through sheer determination and pigheadedness, I did get a few pictures up, including this one:

Until next time, hugs and stitches. Jody