Well this is my most recently finished quilt. I'm calling it Perseverance because there were so many times I just wanted to chuck it in the trash. I do not do well quilting if you need to go to the complete edge of the quilt. Actually I don't do well handquilting to the edge and I was handquilting this one. I stitched in the ditch around the black areas and then there are flowers and butterflies on the cream part. The flowers and butterflies don't really show up because the thread is too light. Of course the green I used for the stems and leaves does show up. Live and learn. The in the ditch was what I was having the problems with. When I got to the edge it always got puckered or bunched or something. I even at one point put it on the machine but I didn't have much luck with that either. But I was determined to get it finished. The fabric was a gift from my kids this past Mother's Day. The black is from one of the Elm Creek Quilts collections - Dorothea's. I just love it. I did have the foresight to snap a picture of the flowers before I washed out the blue markings so that the pattern could be seen. Now I'm on to a few other things. I have two round robins with online groups going or starting. I have until September 15 to come up with a center for the second one. The first one is off and I believe right now on to the third or fourth person. I'm also doing a log cabin swap in Autumn fabrics. Autumn is absolutely my favorite season. I'm going to use the log cabins in another quilt I'm making. It's a medallion with additional rounds. I think the log cabin round is the fifth or sixth so I have plenty to work on until the swap is completed.
Until next time. Hugs and stitches.